The rules for this award are:
- Thank the person who gave you this award
- Paste the award to your blog
- Link the person nominated you for this award.
- Nominate as many bloggers for this wonderful award as you like.
- Post links to their blog.
Since I started my blog over a year ago I have really enjoyed sharing my creations and have 'met' lots of wonderful bloggers like myself sharing their talents that have inspired me.
My nominees for this award are:
Debbie Lamb http://debstampinstyle.blogspot.co.nz
Bron Heslop http://bronheslop.wordpress.com
Lisa Bullock http://daffyscrapper.wordpress.com/
Julia Leece http://juliescards.blogspot.co.nz/
I've just noticed that I have gone over 10000 hits on my blog. Wow thats amazing for just over a year. I thankyou all for visiting my blog and the encouraging comments that you leave.

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